Distribution of the funds of the International Christmas Bazaar 2016

On 27th of February 2017 the IWCT General Meeting decided to allocate the funds raised at the International Christmas Bazaar 2016 to the following charity organisations below. Additional leftover from charity funds of 2016 were added to the total amount.

1.SOS Estonia 15.000
2. Estonian Scouts Association 2.560
3. Mother and Child Shelter 1.000
4. Peeteli Social Center 2.078
5. Estonian Foodbank 4.500
6. My Day Dream Foundation 1.500
7. Haapsalu Shelter 1.950
8. Kraabi Boarding School 3.580
9. Lasnamäe Children’s Center** 2.000
10. Haiba Children’s Home* 2.500
11. Children’s Center “Lighthouse” 1.500
12. Children Shelter Tallinn 760,74
13. Big Brother, Big Sister 750
Total 39.678,74


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