We took along the kind donations of our members to the families in SOS Keila, plus what we collected at our recent lunch in the Austrian Embassy, and much, much more. We also gave small Easter presents to the 5 children (mugs with their name on it, sweets etc).
Mother Urve invited us in, we had delicious cakes and coffee, tea. The director of SOS was there too. He talked about how they are integrating the families more in the society by moving them to town, and how successful it is. He also talked about the Ukrainian refugees and how traumatized they are. They have a few families already, and are expecting many children, whom are arriving without any companions. They already found 3 Ukrainian SOS-mothers, that will take care of them.
This meeting made me realize how important our fundraising is at the annual International Christmas Bazaar. If you would like to donate to IWCT please go to https://www.paypal.com/donate